We love to shine a spotlight on our local photographers and the incredible talent that resides throughout our Valley. Photographers often see things that the rest of the world doesn’t even notice, and we love to watch the stories unfold through their images. This month’s featured photographer is Connie Krause.
Connie sees our world through fresh eyes. Her deep appreciation for the beauty of the Carson Valley and her zealous excitement when she talks about it is contagious. She has always been drawn to photography, but raising her family kept her too busy to fully pursue her budding interest. It wasn’t until she first moved from the Central Valley to Gardnerville four years ago when she found herself in a new place, not knowing anyone, that fate would find her. “A camera just came my way and that was my ticket to finding myself here.”
And find herself she did. Connie dove back into her passion of photography and, taking comfort behind the lens, she adjusted to her new life through the photographer community she discovered in Carson Valley.
Connie carries her camera with her everywhere, which is one of her secrets to capturing the everyday beauty of the Valley. “There is never a dull moment here. Every weekend there are two or three things going on to choose from. Just the weather alone can keep you entertained!”
Connie has an air about her that makes you feel like things are somewhat coincidental. She just happened to get a camera. She just happens to be in the right place at the right time (a lot of the time). But, we know better. Connie’s talent for finding beauty everywhere is evident, and her sweet personality makes her someone you want to grab a latte with and get to know more.
Scroll through the gallery below and get a glimpse of the valley through her eyes because, as Connie puts it, “you see things differently when you’re into photography.” We couldn’t agree more, but go ahead and see for yourself!
Follow Connie on Facebook (Connie Krause) and Instagram (@jeanniebeannie_nv).

Connie captured this beautiful shot of Dangberg Ranch in the Spring of 2021. Her favorite type of photography is what she refers to as “atmospheric”. Whenever there is weather, Connie is out and about with her camera, and this was no exception! What a perfect representation of Springtime in Carson Valley- where you almost feel cold and warm at the same time.

Another example of her love of visually intriguing weather conditions! “I had to stop and get a picture of this hot air balloon over the valley. I thought it was extra pretty with the inversion layer and frost on the ground.”

Coming down Kingsbury Grade, Connie had to pull over and grab this shot as she was struck with this breathtaking patchwork of light. “I’ve never seen anything like that!”

Deer taking a winter swim off Foothill Road. “We’ve been by that pond so many times and have never seen deer in that pond! But that one particular day, there they were! That was a stop and back up type of moment.”

“I came around the corner and spotted this Bobcat sitting by the side of the road. He/she was kind enough to sit for a moment while I took a photo using a telephoto lens from a good distance!”