Housed in the quaint epicenter of downtown Gardnerville, you’d never expect to discover this much fine wine, craft beer, and rare whiskey tucked into such an unassuming building. Founded in 2007 by owner and Certified Sommelier, Troy Phillips, Battle Born Wine & Whiskey has been on the cutting edge of the beverage scene in Northern Nevada for well over a decade. Troy has traveled the globe finding the world’s most exquisite expressions of grape and grain, and often recommends several stellar varieties from closer to home as well.
The shop is brimming with labels and has more than 3,000 different selections to choose from, all with the guiding principles of fun and value. The owner has no shortage of quirk, and you can regularly find him banging away on his vintage piano, banjo, or sliding along his 14 foot rolling library ladder stocking his massive wall of Scotch and Bourbon. On a slow day you may even find him playing around with his flamethrower, or perfecting his sun salutation.
In additional to boundless quirk, Troy really knows his craft. Looking for that perfect bottle of flavor to bring home as a gift? No problem, he’s got you covered. Looking to expand your palate and get out of a rut? A few quick questions and Troy will have you on your way in no time. Not even sure what you like or why? Well he can help you with that too.
Troy’s passion for wine and whiskey with a purpose and a story is mirrored in the shop itself. Built in 1880, this historic landmark was the original home of John and Mary Gardner and is the namesake of the town. Interestingly, the building was originally built in Virginia City and was actually moved here by wagon. It’s believed to be haunted, but if you asked Troy, he will neither confirm nor deny the allegations.
On some friday’s, you might even be able to in for a wine tasting and get the down-low on anything from reds, whites, Italian, Spanish and so much more. You may even have the chance to meet the winemaker. Check out their website for events and get in on a Snobs Education Classes. These classes feature over $1,000 worth of insanely rare product, such as Pappy Van Winkle Bourbon or Buffalo Trace Antique Collection, but don’t sleep on them because they fill extremely fast. Join the mailing list to learn when events will take place and find out more behind the myths and legends of the building and the people who frequent it.
Make sure to follow @BattleBornWine on Instagram and Facebook for a wild and unexpected ride. Part Burner, part dad, and a pure delight, Battle Born Wine & Whiskey will make you rethink what you drink.

Fine Wine and Memorable Times at Battle Born Wine & Whiskey