Locals and visitors alike have been enjoying the warm weather this summer, and we just had to show you some perspectives various photographers have shared. Here’s a roundup of a few of our favorites. Follow #WhyCV on social to see more than we could even put in a blog post. Thanks to the @TravelingNewlyweds for the photo of Sally enjoying the splash pad at Minden Park.

South Douglas County moon set, by John Flaherty

Just a regular day in the valley, by Connie Jean

Nicole Hooper found a Prickly White Poppy in Gardnerville.

John T. Humphrey can’t get enough of wild stallion Blue

All roads lead to Carson Valley, by Chris Dickerson

Poppies are in bloom!! Genoa, Nevada, by Vivian Powers

A red winged blackbird, by Kim Hunter Steed

Jet, Apple, Dumplin, Scarlett, Old Momma and baby girl Hayden are all in Samsons band. By Cheryl Broumley

An evening on the range with Troy Wright

Valley Flow Into An Eastern Sierra Sunset, by Mike Heron Photography