Head west on a gentle dirt lane south of town and you’ll arrive at an adventure that surprises on many levels. Here is a ranch that’s frozen in time. Time it right and you’ll encounter Kim Harris, local Chautauqua actor who steps into the shoes and mindsets of a rancher, Pony Express rider, local socialite and suffragette from the early 1900s, and a woman of the night who became one of the Comstock era’s most colorful characters. For those who prefer their adventures real and raw, we have one word: “Welcome.”
She steps on stage and slips into personalities ranging from rancher to suffragette. Socialite to lady of the night. Entertainingly fickle or what?
As the birthplace of the state of Nevada, Carson Valley is rich in deeply rooted western history and culture. Experience traditions, drink in the days gone by and embrace the heritage for yourself.