We invite you to explore samples of research and reporting collected by Visit Carson Valley, in partnership with trusted authorities. If you would like to take a closer look at some of this specialized research or gain more insight into other available tourism data, please contact our office — info@visitcarsonvalley.org or 775.782.8145.
Here are three more ways you or your business can benefit by our services.
Our main office is located inside the Museum and Cultural Center (Gardnerville). We encourage visitors and locals alike to stop by. We maintain a robust supply of print materials about Carson Valley and the surrounding area. Our office staff is also on hand (weekdays non-holiday between 9am – 4pm) to answer any questions or offer recommendations. Let us help you discover something new or perhaps reacquaint you with a familiar stop.
In addition to our permanent office location, we take our information “on the road” with a mobile trailer. It transforms into a portable open air visitor center. Most often we participate in the larger local community events, valuing the opportunity to support the promoters and share information and handout materials with visitors and locals alike. Stop by and say hi if you see us out and about.
Do you manage or own a special event we should add to our master event listings? (Note - they must be tourism related and take place in Carson Valley)? To suggest an event for our review, please complete this form.
Please help us to keep our calendar current and full of great, community events.
If approved, we’ll add it to our calendar! Please also submit an accompanying photo or flier to info@visitcarsonvalley.org.
If you have a new business in the Carson Valley area or if you have changes for an existing business, please contact our office via info@visitcarsonvalley.org. We highly value your help maintaining updated information in regards to tourism or other related services and experiences in or around this destination.